A clinically led framework built with over 35 years experience.

The Innovative Practice Framework we deliver has been curated by industry professionals with over 30 years experience. We are so proud of what we have built and want to share it with the care sector.

An innovation framework built on 3 pillars

  • Person-centredness

    How can we support someone living with dementia unless we understand the person behind the diagnosis. Our framework and associated comprehensive audit allows us to analyse how well you are doing in terms of see the person and the family, understanding and applying relevant information and how they can participate in your community in a person-centred way.

  • The Care Environment

    Understanding the environment and how it can enable or disable engagement and participation is one of our key skillsets. Our Occupational Therapists are specialists in assessing and making changes to the environment to enable what we call a person’s ‘flow’. We look at how light, sound and smell can affect your residents and how to make realistic adaptations to your specific environments.

  • Team Approach and Culture

    Your team and the leadership are critical in enabling people with dementia to live well in your communities. Our framework looks at how team members are employed, trained and kept up to date with best practice. When we look at the team we break our assessment down into the induction process, how staff approach people living with dementia and the companies vision and attitude towards best practice.